About Us
“We hand make traditional wrought iron furniture, artwork and bespoke creations, driven by a passion for design and delivering the highest quality”
Nestling in the heart of the South Downs near the historic county town of Lewes, we use wrought iron to create beautiful ornamental garden furniture, gates and railings, patio and balcony railings, bespoke creations and art and sculpture.
We are a small company working with traditional methods and designs finished to a high standard. Our mission is to deliver the highest standards and quality in our creations and service.
With our Mig welder, Swage Block, power hammer, a vast array of tools and of course the forge itself, we can design and build small decorative ornaments for the mantelpiece to large gates, railings, gazebos and tunnels for gardens and country estates. Our most popular creations are our benches, obelisks and arches.
Individual pieces can have hundreds or even thousands of individually welded spots and everything we make is created and finished by hand.
One tool a welder should never be without is the humble Anvil. With references to anvils found in ancient Greek and Egyptian writings it has been an essential tool in the process of forging and shaping metal for thousands of years and will probably be around for many years to come.
It’s relatively easy to produce from natural ore and when ‘worked’ becomes an extremely strong metal that has been used in all aspects of our lives for thousands of years.
Iron has been used since prehistoric times to produce tools, utensils, construction materials and even art. It has been used to produce the simplest tools like pins and nails to mammoth structures like the Eiffel Tower and when refined into steel and other alloys, it has arguably become of the most important materials aver discovered.
Great civilisations across our history realised and exploited its properties, Archaeological evidence shows iron was used in China over 5000 years ago and in Egypt some 7000 years ago. Great empires like the Romans used it to equip their armies bringing iron production to much of Europe.

Richard in the early days!

Studio Forge Workshop

Studio Forge Workshop